Though I’ve heard about ShaderToy for a while, and looked at various examples of what they do, I never really had spent much time trying it out.
I recently started looking into Javascript and ThreeJS and very shortly the idea of making a cool background animation came into mind.
I wanted to do a copy of the PlayStation3’s background menu, but didn’t find much about it online. I ended up going to ShaderToy and doing my own, based off of another shader:
I think it came out pretty well, and made it using ShaderToy. Now I’ve managed to port it over to ThreeJS:
How does this work?
Main Function #1
The meat of the work is done in the fragment shader.
[code language=”javascript”]
color += calcSine(uv, 0.20, 0.2, 0.0, 0.5, vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.1, 15.0,false);,
color += calcSine(uv, 0.40, 0.15, 0.0, 0.5, vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.1, 17.0,false);,
color += calcSine(uv, 0.60, 0.15, 0.0, 0.5, vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.05, 23.0,false);,
The main function calls into calcSine. Every call to calcSine() creates a new “line” in the shader.
Calc Sine
The calcSine() function, simply calculates the value to pass into the sin() function, and is multiplied by various parameters (amplitude & offset). Amplitude meaning how much to stretch the values by in the y-axis, and offset moving it that much of the screen percentage up (5%, 10%, etc.)
[code language=”javascript”]
float angle = time * speed * frequency + (shift + uv.x) * 3.14;
The next trick is to set a sort of exit criteria, which is diffY. What this asks is how far the value we got from sin() is from our current uv.y value. This is important since it determines if we’re below or above the uv.y coordinate we’re calculating this for.
dSqr simply figures out how far we are from the uv.y coordinate
[code language=”javascript”]
float y = sin(angle) * amplitude + offset;,
float diffY = y – uv.y;,
float dsqr = distance(y,uv.y);
The if-statement I put in there is done to determine if we’re below or above, and how to handle it. Multiplying dSqr by 8.0 helps to make the cut off more smooth than multiplying by something higher. Multiplying by 12 would create a more cutting effect, while multiplying by something below it makes the image more blurry.
[code language=”javascript”]
if(dir && diffY > 0.0)
dsqr = dsqr * 8.0;
else if(!dir && diffY < 0.0)
dsqr = dsqr * 8.0;
The last step is to apply a power function & smoothstep to make the final effect and cause that “fadeout” effect around the lines.
[code language=”javascript”]
scale = pow(smoothstep(width * widthFactor, 0.0, dsqr), exponent);
Main Function #2
What calling calcSine() multiple times allows us to do is to shift the color being returned up closer to white. This creates an effect of almost having “additive” blending, and makes the faded-out regions shiny brighter when they overlap.
At the end of the main function, a final step is done to tint the entire background with a color, and make this into a gradient color.
[code language=”javascript”]
color.x += t1 * (1.0-uv.y);
color.y += t2 * (1.0-uv.y);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);
Putting all this together, and updating the “time” uniform value finally gives us the final effect.
I’ve uploaded the sample to GitHub as well, so have a look there!